Covering the essentials

Core Competencies teaches the key essentials any youth worker needs to know, based on the professional standards developed by Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa. It's about implementing models and frameworks that work for the young people you serve. Presented by Korowai Tupu manager Zara Maslin, with almost 15 years of youth work experience, this class is for anyone - from a newcomer in youth ministry to a seasoned community youth worker.
Youth worker Zara Maslin describes something to camera

Practical advice and informative models

Zara breaks down the models and theories of youth development, ethics and professional development in a simple and understandable framework. This youth work course is also tailored for a uniquely kiwi audience, teaching on the importance of bicultural partnerships in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
The model of Te Whare Tapa Wha - four walls of wellbeing, from te ao Māori

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Quiz Tips

    • Quiz 1

  • 2


    • Contexts

    • Quiz 2

  • 3

    Bicultural Partnerships & Identity Formation

    • Bicultural Partnerships & Identity Formation

    • Quiz 3

  • 4

    Quality Relationships & Connectedness

    • Quality Relationships & Connectedness

    • Quiz 4

  • 5

    Ensuring Safety & Wellbeing

    • Ensuring Safety & Wellbeing

    • Code of Ethics for Youth Work

    • Quiz 5

  • 6

    Having a Strengths-Based Approach

    • Having a Strengths-Based Approach

    • Quiz 6

  • 7

    Professional Development

    • Professional Development

    • Quiz 7

  • 8


    • Professionalisation

    • Quiz 8

    • Korowai Tupu Membership Information

  • 9


    • Feedback Survey

  • 10


    • Congratulations