What is Discipleship Pathway?

Discipleship Pathway is a free, video-based, online training resource where some of New Zealand's best church leadership trainers share their skills, stories and tools. Our classes cover youth ministry, church leadership, discipleship and other topics - and we're still creating and releasing more!
Youth ministry and Māori lecturer Caleb sits while a woman claps to initiate filming

Who is it for?

Discipleship Pathway is for anyone with a desire to be equipped to live out their faith in Aotearoa. Some of our classes focus on specific ministry areas, and many are great for personal faith development.

Who made it?

It has been made in partnership between the Anglican Diocese of Nelson and the class trainers with funding from St. Johns College Trust Board. Our small team is passionate about creative media and helping to upskill other Christians. While Discipleship Pathway is produced by Anglicans, our presenters come from a range of denominations and our content is made to be accessible to any Christian from any background.
Two cameras point toward childrens ministry expert Paul Dadd, presenting his class on child psychology.

How do you use it?

Our classes can be viewed as soon as you're signed up and enrolled. You're free to watch them by yourself, or gather a small group or ministry team together to view and discuss them together.

How much does it cost?

It is FREE to enrol in any class! No subscription fee, no paywall, no ads. There's no cost to using this resource, other than the time you're willing to put into it.
A woman accesses the Discipleship Pathway site on her computer

Ready to start your learning journey?